OTA Sunset Surveys

Do you use any of the substances listed below?

This year, over 30 substances currently allowed on the National List for organic production and processing are re-reviewed by the NOSB as part of the Sunset Review process. These substances may not be renewed if new information indicates their use is harmful to human health or the environment, is not necessary because natural or organic alternatives are available, and/or is incompatible with organic production. In preparation for the Spring 2021 NOSB Meeting, the Organic Trade Association has launched a new set of Sunset Surveys to help to facilitate a robust comment process by collecting information about the necessity/essentiality of these substances and delivering the information in a summarized anonymous format to the NOSB. Please weigh-in on the materials that matter to your organic operation. It’s critical that NOSB hear from certified farmers and handlers by April 5thon whether these inputs are essential and/or necessary for organic production and should remain on the National List, or whether there are other effective natural or organic alternatives available.


Inputs Used in Crop Production:

· Copper sulfate for aquatic rice systems

· Ozone gas (irrigation system cleaner)

· Peracetic acid (disinfectant, disease control)

· Passive pheromone dispensers containing EPA List 3 Inerts

· Chlorine materials: Calcium hypochlorite, Chlorine dioxide, Hypochlorous acid, Sodium hypochlorite

· Magnesium oxide (viscosity control in humates)

· Calcium chloride (foliar spray for physiological disorders)

· Rotenone (prohibited)


Inputs Used in Livestock Production:

· Activated charcoal (adsorbent)

· Calcium borogluconate (milk fever treatment)

· Calcium propionate (milk fever treatment)

· Chlorine materials: Calcium hypochlorite, Chlorine dioxide, Hypochlorous acid, Sodium hypochlorite

· Kaolin pectin (adsorbent, antidiarrheal, gut protectant)

· Mineral oil (intestinal compaction treatment)

· Injectable nutrient supplements

· Propylene glycol (ketosis treatment)

· Acidified sodium chlorite (teat dip)

· Zinc sulfate (hoof treatment)

Inputs Used in Processing and Handling:

· Agar-Agar (gelling agent, emulsifier, thickener)

· Animal enzymes (rennet, catalase, lipase, pancreatin, pepsin, trypsin)

· Calcium sulfate (coagulant, conditioner, firming agent)

· Carrageenan (gelling agent, emulsifier, thickener)

· Glucono delta-lactone (coagulant)

· Tartaric acid (acidulant)

· Cellulose (regenerative casings, anti-caking agent, filtering aid)

· Chlorine materials: Calcium hypochlorite, Chlorine dioxide, Hypochlorous acid, Sodium hypochlorite

· Potassium hydroxide (pH adjuster)

· Silicon dioxide (defoamer)

· Potassium lactate (antimicrobial agent, pH regulator)

· Sodium lactate (antimicrobial agent, pH regulator)