MOSA provides our clients with much more than just certification.

Joe Pedretti

MOSA Client Services Director

Executive Director’s Report

Executive Director’s Report

By Cori Skolaski, Executive Director

By the time you read this, you will have submitted your annual update paperwork to MOSA that was due on April 1. As always, the next step in your certification process is an initial review, completed by a MOSA Certification Specialist, and then - your annual inspection.

Several weeks ago we mailed your Organic System Plan that we have on file; please review it to see if everything is current. If something additional has changed beyond the information you supplied to us in your annual update be ready to discuss it with your Inspector. Our goal is to make your inspections more efficient and to reduce the need to request more information before we can make a certification decision. Ultimately, we’ll all save time and money by having up-to-date and accurate information available at your inspection.

Some other things to keep in mind:

  • If you are adding new land to your certificate, it will need to be inspected prior to grazing or sales.
  • New facilities, production lines, unique production equipment, or herds must be inspected before they can be added to your certification.
  • All organic retail labels must be approved by MOSA before use.
  • All inputs must be reviewed and approved before use.
  • At any time, you can log into to review your organic system plans and paperwork, see your inspection report, view or pay certification or inspection fees, and view and print your organic certificate. Over one-third of our clients have gone paperless, and find it very convenient.

In February at our annual Board of Directors meeting, we said a fond farewell with our deepest appreciation to Keith Ashley-Wright for his service as the President. Lizzy Haywood was appointed President, Laura McBride was appointed Vice President, Altfrid Krussenbaum was appointed Treasurer, and Beth Unger was reappointed Secretary. Thanks to all of MOSA’s board members for their guidance and support!

We are looking to recruit new MOSA Board members, so if you know someone who might be interested, please have them reach out to me at my email below. MOSA Board members cannot be currently certified with MOSA.

This newsletter is chock full of information we hope you find helpful. There are a lot of current and future developments in the policy and regulatory compliance areas highlighted in this issue. We are proud to be at the forefront of advocating for our client’s best interests, and we encourage you to join us in engaging the NOSB and USDA NOP. Your input is very important!

As always, if you have any questions or comments about anything in this newsletter – or about MOSA – please feel free to contact me at or 844-637-2526. Thank you for reading, and thanks for your continued commitment to organic integrity.