USDA Survey on Third-party Food Safety Certification
BY University of Rhode Island | Apr 20, 2022
Dear Organic Producer - If you operate a certified organic farm growing vegetables, fruit, or nuts, or are considering organic certification for your farm, then we would be grateful if you would answer our short 10-minute survey on third-party food safety certification. The survey is funded by the USDA and all responses are anonymous.
To complete the online survey, please go to our secure website:
Secure website:
We have heard that organic farmers may face unique challenges in meeting both National Organic Program standards and third-party food safety requirements.
Our goal with this survey is to identify the best opportunities for developing cost-effective and organic-compliant tools that will help organic farmers with food safety risks and third-party certification.
Your response is important! We will keep your information confidential. In collaboration with The Organic Center, this work is supported by a grant from the USDA’s Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative in the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Award Number: 2021-51300-34893). This research has been approved by The University of Rhode Island Institutional Review Board. For further information, contact Dr. Patrick Baur at
Thank you in advance for taking the time to complete this survey. We look forward to hearing about your experiences and perspectives on this important topic.
Patrick Baur, Assistant Professor
University of Rhode Island