NOP Amends the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances
BY USDA NOP | Jan 14, 2019
NOP Amends the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances
On December 27th, 2018 the National Organic Program (NOP) published a final rule (or here if you prefer the column version) amending the National List of Allowed and Prohibited Substances. The rule changes the use restrictions for 17 substances and adds 16 new substances. The rule also removes the parasiticide Ivermectin as an allowed parasiticide for use in organic livestock production and amends regulations to allow the use of parasiticides in fiber-bearing animals The rule also lists the botanical pesticide rotenone as a prohibited substance in organic crop production.
The final rule will be effective January 28, 2019 except for amendments concerning Ivermectin (now prohibited), flavors (organic flavors required when commercially available), cellulose (revised annotation specifying types of cellulose permitted), glycerin (reclassified as agricultural), and carnauba wax (reclassified as agricultural)--which will be implemented on December 27, 2019.