New NOSB Members Announced

The USDA appointed five new members to the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB). Sue Baird, Mid-America Organic Association, will represent public interest and consumers. Asa Bradman, University of California-Berkeley, is an environmental protection and resource conservation representative. Steve Ela, of Ela Family Farms in Hotchkiss, CO, is an organic farmer representative. David Mortensen, of Penn State University, is the scientist representative, andJoelle Mosso, of Olam International, Ltd. will represent organic handlers. Their terms began last month.

These new members will join the rest of the NOSB at its spring meeting April 19 - 21 in Denver, Colo. The public comment period prior to that meeting is open through March 30. The board also will take public comments at a webinar April 13. See the agenda of topics and current proposals and access the comment opportunities at the NOSB spring meeting webpage.