MOSA provides our clients with much more than just certification.

Joe Pedretti

MOSA Client Services Director

Evolution of the MOSA Logo

Evolution of the MOSA Logo

By: Christine Davies

What’s in a logo? A logo is a symbol that conveys what an organization is all about – it’s our visual identity. For MOSA, the evolution of our logo over the past 25 years reflects our growth and values:

1️⃣ First used in 2000, MOSA’s initial logo featured the states where we offered certification services at that time. The design captured our Midwest roots, but we eventually grew beyond those borders.

2️⃣ In 2013 it was time to make a change. Months of stakeholder input went into the redesign. State lines were removed as our service area expanded – replaced with a colorful farm scene to symbolize MOSA’s commitment to being a friendly and helpful certifier deeply rooted in the agricultural community.

3️⃣ By 2016, adjustments inspired by client experiences led to the logo we love today. MOSA’s current logo is brighter and more inviting, designed to help you tell your story to potential customers. Now featuring bold, clear text so you can proudly show off the “MOSA Certified Organic” mark on approved retail labels, either alongside or in place of the required “certified organic by MOSA” statement.

In 2020, we introduced the “organic is non-GMO” emblem to raise consumer awareness that when they purchase certified organic products, they are getting a product grown without genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

We take pride in our current MOSA logo and “organic is non-GMO” emblem, and we hope you feel the same. Seeing them on your products in the marketplace is a heartwarming thrill!

  1. 2000-2013 2. 2013-2016

3. 2016-Present, with bonus “organic is non-GMO” emblem

Maple Valley Cooperative label - spotted at Outpost Natural Foods Co-op in Milwaukee, WI