MOSA provides our clients with much more than just certification.

Joe Pedretti

MOSA Client Services Director

Certification Policy Update

Certification Policy Update

By Jackie DeMinter, Certification Policy Manager

Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards - Implement by January 2, 2025!

Don’t forget to update your Livestock Organic System Plan or Poultry Organic System Plan with new information. As a reminder the Poultry OSP is for poultry operations with only outdoor access/pasture and no other organic crop or livestock production. The new OSP is a combination of the applicable areas of the Farm and Livestock OSPs and provides a more efficient inspection and review process by highlighting information from the Farm and Livestock OSPs that is relevant to farms with only poultry production.

National Organic Program National List Updates

AMS has reviewed and accepted all NOSB sunset review recommendations for substances with sunset dates in 2025. AMS is renewing the listings of these 47 substances until 2030.

The complete list of renewed substances is available in the Federal Register notice published August 8, 2024. A renewal means the substance keeps its status as being allowed or prohibited in organic production and/or handling. The NOSB must review every substance on the National List every five years to confirm that it continues to meet criteria required to remain on the list. This review is the sunset review. Find out more about the National List, including substance additions and removals on the National List webpage.

Inspection Timing Reminder

Remember that your 2025 annual inspection must happen during 2025. Please work with your inspector to meet this timeline.

Noncompliance and Adverse Action Notices

MOSA is now sending Noncompliances and Adverse Actions via registered email for our electronic clients rather than sending them via registered postal mail.