Get Help With Organic Certification Costs 

The USDA/FSA has announced the opening of the Organic Certification Cost Share Program (OCCSP) for the 2024 Fiscal Year. OCCSP provides a rebate of 75% up to $750.00 to certified operations for certification costs paid for each category or “scope” of certification (scopes are crop, livestock, wild crop, handling).

How to apply:

Apply through your county FSA office - FSA County Office Locator. Some states may also offer OCCSP. Typically state programs open later in the season, and the application process and deadlines vary. 

States offering OCCSP have included California, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Minnesota, Missouri, South Dakota, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. To find out whether your state will be participating in this year's Cost Share, contact your state department of agriculture or check the USDA/FSA Cost Share Website

USDA/FSA Cost Share Application Deadline: October 31, 2024. 

State application deadlines vary and can be as early as September 30. 

Rebates are issued first-come, first-serve. Application Form: OCCSP Application

Additional Forms if needed: 

Customer Data Worksheet 

Payment Enrollment Form

Include a copy of your organic certificate and a copy of invoice(s) paid between 10/1/2023 and 9/30/2024 with your application. Invoices must show date paid and paid in full or $0.00 balance.

You may obtain copies of your paid invoices by logging directly on to your MyMOSA confidential account and following the link Paid Invoices

You may also contact MOSA directly 1-844-637-2526 mosa@mosaorganic.org for copies of your paid invoices.

How does MOSA help? 

MOSA provides payment documentation and verifies organic certification status. We work cooperatively with the FSA and state offices. MOSA does not complete, accept, or process cost share applications.

Helpful Links:

USDA/FSA Cost Share Website 

FSA County Office Locator

MOSA is committed to simplifying the Certification Cost Share application process and helping our clients receive their reimbursement.

What is certification cost share?

For many certified organic operations the Organic Certification Cost Share Program plays a critical role in financial planning and helps to defray costs conventional operations do not incur. In 2001 Congress allocated funding in five-year increments to reimburse certified organic producers and handlers for some of the costs of organic certification. In 2014 and 2019, during the federal budget debates, the Organic Share Program nearly lost its funding, but after a down-to-the-wire Congressional debate, the program was renewed and fully funded for another five years. Throughout theses debates MOSA consistently advocated to keep Organic Cost Share. From time to time, since the Organic Cost Share Program began, there has been some debate whether Organic Cost Share is a “government hand-out.” In each final decision, Congress recognized the organic industry as a significant and growing economic sector worthy of continued support.

Who is eligible?

The USDA Organic Cost Share Program describes: To be eligible for organic cost share, operations must possess USDA organic certification or be actively seeking organic certification at the time of application. To be eligible: 1) During the grant period of performance, the organic operation must have paid fees/expenses related to its initial certification, be actively seeking its initial certification, and have obtained certification from a USDA-accredited certifying agent. or 2) During the grant period of performance, the organic operation must have paid expenses/fees related to the renewal or be actively seeking renewal of its USDA organic certification from a USDA-accredited certifying agent.

How much is reimbursed?

The amount reimbursed depends upon: 1) the amount the certified organic operation has incurred and paid in allowable organic certification costs from October 1 through September 30 and 2) number of categories or “scopes” for which an operation is certified. Some states do not require that the costs be both incurred and paid between October 1 and September 30--just paid. Check with your local FSA Office or State contact for an application and for requirements. Allowable costs include certification and inspection fees. An organic operation can be reimbursed up to 75 percent for each category or “scope” of certification with a maximum reimbursement of $750.00 per scope. Examples of organic certification scopes include crop, livestock, wild crop, and handler. An organic operation certified for crop only that pays $1,000.00 in certification costs between October 1 and September 30 can expect $750.00 in cost share reimbursement. An organic operation certified in crop, livestock, and wild crop that pays $3,000.00 in allowable costs between October 1 and September 30 can expect $2250.00 in Cost Share reimbursement. Typical costs include paid certification fees and inspection fees. Late fees are not reimbursable.

What is the process?

Beginning March 20, 2017, organic producers and handlers can visit over 2,100 USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) offices to apply for federal reimbursement to assist with the cost of receiving and maintaining organic certification. The application is typically one-page and includes a required W-9 form and if you operation is newly certified between October 1 and September 30 you’ll need to include a copy of your organic certificate with your Cost Share application. You may also apply through participating State agencies (Listed Below).

When will you receive your cost share payment?

Some states reimburse on a first-come, first serve basis; some states wait until November - December to distribute reimbursements.

Does MOSA help?

MOSA is committed to simplifying the application process and helping our clients receive their reimbursement. We work closely with the individual state Cost Share programs, making sure that each state has a list of actively certified clients and paid fee information. Clients have asked whether MOSA completes the cost share applications or sends out the reimbursements. MOSA does not complete, submit, accept, or process cost share applications. The applicant must complete and send the application to the FSA or state Cost Share Program.

MOSA is pleased to announce that you may now view, download and print copies of your paid invoices directly from your online MyMOSA account. 

From your MyMOSA Dashboard, simply click the new option "Paid Invoices." This will help to simplify your application process for the Organic Certification Cost Share Program.

You may also contact MOSA directly at 1-844-637-2526, or at mosa@mosaorganic.org for copies of your paid invoices.

When to apply?

For most states the application deadline is October 31. However, application deadlines vary from state to state and can be earlier than October 31; for some states the Cost Share application process is ongoing without formal deadlines. If you will be applying for Organic Cost Share, it’s best to confirm your state’s Cost Share application deadline and application requirements by contacting your state Cost Share Program directly. Below is the list of state contacts and application deadlines for MOSA-certified organic operations. If you can’t reach your state Cost Share contact or need the state’s website address, please contact MOSA. Utah does not participate in Organic Cost Share. For more detailed information about Organic Cost Share, visit the National Organic Program. MOSA staff is always happy to answer your questions about cost share and the application process and help you as needed. Feel free to call us 844-637-2526.
cost share map


(subject to change)


Christian Olson
Arkansas Agriculture Department
1 Natural Resources Drive
Little Rock, AR 72205
P: (501) 219-6324
F: (501) 219-1697
Email: Christian.olson@aad.ar.gov


Sharon Parsons
California Department of Food and Agriculture
1220 N Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
P: (916) 900-5202


Kellen L. Liebsch
Kansas Department of Agriculture
1320 Research Park Drive
Topeka, KS 66502
P: (785) 564-6726
C: (785) 564-6777
Email: Kellen.liebsch@ks.gov
Cost Share Website and Forms


Deanna Baldwin
Maryland Department of Agriculture
50 Harry South Truman Parkway
Annapolis, MD 21401
P: (410) 841-5769
F: (410) 841-2750
E-mail: Deanna.Baldwin@maryland.gov


Mary Jordan
Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources
251 Causeway Street, Suite 500
Boston, MA 02114
P: (617) 626-1700 F: (617) 626-1850
E-mail: Mary.Jordan@state.ma.u


Cassie Dahl
Minnesota Dept. of Ag.
625 N. Robert Street
St. Paul, MN 55155
P: 651-201-6616 F: 651-201-6120
E-mail: cassie.dahl@state.mn.us
Application Deadline: 10/31/2016


Jennifer Hentges
Missouri Department of Agriculture
1616 Missouri Boulevard
P.O. Box 630
Jefferson City, MO 65102
P: (573) 751-1199
F: (573) 751-2868
Email: Jennifer.hentges@mda.mo.gov


Georgana Webster
Montana Department of Agriculture
303 North Roberts Street
Helena, MT 59601
P: (406) 444-7804
F: (406) 444-7336
Email: gwebster@mt.gov


Steve Martin
NE Dept. of Agriculture
301 Centennial Mall South
Lincoln, NE 68509-4947
P: 800-422-6692 F: 402-471-6863
E-mail: steve.martin@nebraska.gov
Application Deadline: 11/15/2016


Anne Marie Ference Or Debra McCluskey
New Jersey Department of Agriculture
369 South Warren Street
Trenton, NJ 08608
P: (609) 777-0098 or (609) 984-2225
F: (609) 984-2508
E-mail: Anne.Marie.Ference@ag.state.nj.us
or Debra.McCluskey@ag.state.nj.us
Application Deadline: 11/16/2016


Anne St. Cyr
NY Dept. of Ag & Markets
10 B Airline Drive
Albany, NY 12235A
E-mail: Anne.St.Cyr@agriculture.ny.gov
Application Deadline: 10/31/2016


Heather Barnes
Marketing Specialist
1020 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-1020
P: 919-707-3127 F: 919-715-0155
E-mail: heather.barnes@ncagr.gov
Application Deadline: 9/30/2016


Ken Junkert
North Dakota Department of Agriculture
600 E Boulevard Ave - Room#604
Bismarck, ND 58505
P: (701) 328-3217
F: (701) 328-4567
Email: kjunkert@nd.gov


Ashley McDonald
Ohio Department of Agriculture
8995 East Main Street
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068
P: (614) 728-6206
F: (614) 466-7754
Email: Ashley.McDonald@agri.ohio.gov


Jordan Stasyszyn
Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture
2301 North Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110-9408
P: (717) 787-6901
F: (717) 787-5643
E-mail: jstasyszyn@pa.gov


DATCP-DAD Organic Cost Share Program P.O. Box 8911 Madison, WI 53708-8911 (608) 572-0512 https://datcp.wi.gov/Pages/Growing_WI/OrganicFarmingAndFood.aspx